Hex Calculator

Hex Calculator – Perform Hexadecimal Arithmetic & Conversions Online

Hexadecimal Calculator

Hex to Decimal

Decimal to Hex

What is a Hex Calculator?

A Hex Calculator is a powerful tool that helps users perform arithmetic operations with hexadecimal numbers, commonly used in computer programming, digital electronics, and network addressing. It supports basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in the hexadecimal (base-16) number system. Additionally, it includes a hex-to-decimal converter and a decimal-to-hex converter for seamless conversions between number systems.

How to Use the Hex Calculator?

  1. Hex Arithmetic Operations
    • Enter two hexadecimal numbers.
    • Select an operation (+, , ×, or ÷).
    • Click “Calculate” to get the result in hexadecimal format.
  2. Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal
    • Enter a hex number (e.g., 1F3).
    • Click “Convert” to get the equivalent decimal number.
  3. Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
    • Enter a decimal number (e.g., 499).
    • Click “Convert” to get the hexadecimal equivalent.

Benefits of Using a Hex Calculator

Saves Time & Reduces Errors – Avoid manual calculations with instant results.
Useful for Programmers & Engineers – Essential for working with memory addresses, color codes, and bitwise operations.
Perfect for Network Engineers – Convert hex values used in MAC addresses and IPv6 networking.
Educational Tool – Helps students and teachers understand hexadecimal arithmetic and conversions.
Supports Multiple Use Cases – Can be used in digital electronics, computer architecture, and data encoding.

Use Cases of Hex Calculator

🔹 Computer Science & Programming – Used in assembly language, memory addressing, and low-level programming.
🔹 Web & Graphic Design – Convert hex color codes to decimal values for CSS styling.
🔹 Network Engineering – Useful for working with IPv6 addresses, MAC addresses, and encryption keys.
🔹 Digital Electronics – Essential for bitwise operations, data representation, and circuit design.
🔹 Educational Purposes – Students learning number systems and conversions will find this tool helpful.

Examples of Hexadecimal Calculations & Conversions

Example 1: Hex Addition

Input: 1A3 + 2F
Calculation: 1A3 (419 in decimal) + 2F (47 in decimal) = 466
Output (Hex): 1D2

Example 2: Hex to Decimal Conversion

Input: FF
Output: 255 (Decimal)

Example 3: Decimal to Hex Conversion

Input: 512
Output: 200 (Hexadecimal)

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